Unit 8: Keeping an Eye on Quality: Deming's 14 Points and the Theory of Variability

Part One: Handouts and Exercises

1. The Fourteen Points of W. Edwards Deming 

Part Two: Email Application Activities

(Individual assignment) Using where you work or have worked, write a memo explaining what paradigm the company uses to explain quality.  Give several examples.  Also select a product or service of your company and explain it using Garvin's disaggregated definition of quality. 

(Group assignment)  Write a paper applying the 14 points of Deming to the IRS.  As a Deming consultant what recommendations would you make? 

Part Three: Textbook Assignment

Read pages 547-552 in Lussier. 

Part Four: Unit Outline with Reading Assignments

I. A new paradigm for quality

    A. Organizational Behavior, The World of Organizational Behavior, Managing Organizational Behavior for Quality and Results, The Principles of Total Quality Management, Irwin/McGraw Hill CD

    B. Robert B. Reich, The key to competitive success in today's economy, American Salesman, Dec 1996 v41 n12 p20(4)  Infotrac 

    C. Media, Videos, Production and Operation Management, Total Quality Management, Irwin/McGraw Hill CD.

    D. Philip E. Quigley, Can management by objectives be compatible with quality? Industrial Engineering, July 1993 v25 n7 p14(2)   Infotrac

II. The quality gurus

    A. Deming Electronic Network

    B. Juran

III. Deming's 14 points

    A. Deming's System of Profound Knowledge and the 14 points  

        1. Illustrated 14 Points

        2. Lisa D. McNary, "The system of profound knowledge: a revised profile of managerial leadership," Leadership & Organization Development Journal, June-July 1997, v18 n4-5 p229(7)  Infotrac

    B. The Deming Philosophy: a new paradigm for management accounting systems, CMA- Management Accounting Magazine, May 1995.   Infotrac

    C. Pamela J. Kidder; Bobbie Ryan, "How the Deming philosophy transformed the Department of the Navy," National Productivity Review, Summer 1996 v15 n3 p55(9) Infotrac

IV. Understanding variability

    A. Howard Gitlow and Paul Hertz, Product defects and productivity, HBR (#83506)    

    B. The fundamental concepts of statistical quality control, Industrial Engineering, Dec 1994.  Infotrac  in.gif (138 bytes)

        1. Some Costly Lossess (GCC, Bus 205)

V. The Tools of Quality Tutorial

    A. Statistical Process Control

VI. The strategic use of quality   

    A. Benchmarking

    B. Quality Service

VII. Quality in the Information Age

    A. The New Meaning of Quality in the Information Age. By: Prahalad, C.K.; Krishnan, M.S.; Harvard Business Review, Sep/Oct99, Vol. 77 Issue 5, p109, 10p, 2 diagrams, 1c EBESCO


IX. TQM software/shareware

X. Web resources for Continuous Improvement 

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